A crowdsourcing platform for consulting with citizens

Insights' technology provides the ability to analyze open questions, and generate practical insights from within a massive body of answers. This is made possible through the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence (HI).

My role

I’ve joined the company when the product was in a POC stage. Together with Insights’ CEO, we’ve redesigned multiple user flows, and created others from scratch. I used wireframes, chart flows, as well as static and interactive mock-ups using Photoshop, Invision, and Webflow. We’ve created new branding and implemented it on our website and blog, on social media and in multiple campaigns.



New user experience

We had to re-examine the user experience over and over to achieve a clear and comfortable interface. We have progressed through an iterative process between several versions from 2013 to the present.

Here’s one example of a flow redesign: The admin sections of Community Management and Out-going Communication

Design process

  • Gathering feedback from team members and clients
  • Exploring the UX of leading companies in the field of email marketing. Analyzing the pros and cons of each method.
  • Mapping our special needs, and checking how they can fit into each method
  • Trying out different solutions using wireframes and flowchart to explore all scenarios
  • Creating a high-level UI design


After a new user creates a new consulting site using Insights, they would need to invite participants. There are a few options like social sharing or adding users manually, but most organizations have a contact list they want to use. So the question was: How do we help them upload their list, edit invitations, send tests and then launch the campaign?
In the past, the flow included all the steps in one linear process, designed to be completed in one session. The main feedback was that this is not the case. Organisations needed time to edit, send tests, approve with superiors, re-edit, and re-approve. It takes a few days. We also found that mixing the management of the community with out-going communication is causing confusion. 


We’ve decided to adapt the separation between Community and Communication. In the common scenario, the site admin would upload a contact list once but would use the Communication Center to send messages to the participants multiple times within each project. 

The new flow of selecting a template for email or text, editing and testing it before sending out the campaign, allowed admins to save their work at any point. A new progress bar helped in framing the whole process and navigate easily between different steps.


Turning service to SAAS


In the past, the process of selling our product to organisations required many meetings with potential clients. The launching of the first project was done manually by Insights' success team with the help of our engineers. If we wanted to turn Insights into a SAAS company we had to automate this process and reduce our manual engagement to the minimum. 

Design process

  • We mapped all the inputs we needed in order to create a new consulting site.
  • We examined which data we need at each point, trying to minimize the number of inputs an admin had to put in, and bring the wow moment as soon as possible in the process.
  • We chose defaults, so admins had to make fewer decisions.
  • We tested two registration formats. 
  • New onboarding walk-me messages were added to different steps of the way. 


We’ve created new fully automated registration and launching flow, with an option to call for help on any step of the way. Our new admin interfaces allow decision-makers to monitor and manage the process independently. Our success team is still monitoring each project and step in whenever needed. 

Option 1: Registration wizard

Option 2: Registration page

Our data showed that most users have registered by email, so we it made sense to lose the social sign up options and replaced the wizard with a simple form that eventually performed better.


Branding & online campaigns

To position Insights as a global innovative company, we created a new logo and graphic language that revolves around people, ideas and knowledge. We've been running campaigns on Google, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. Different messaging, as well as different designs, were tested along the way. Here are some examples.

Social media ads


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