A social challenges app for Millenials

In August 2014 the ice bucket challenge came into this world. Bill Gates and other celebrities moved the challenge forward. Our mission was to create a dedicated app for viral challenges, and movements and campaigns.

My role

I was one of four co-founders. I was responsible for all UX and UI aspects, as well as branding, marketing, and PR.



Product design

Our main focus was on two main flows: Join a challenge and Dare friends. These two basic actions would determine the amount of new content uploaded to the app, and the viral expansion of user-base which is so critical for a social app.

We’ve launched an MVP and used our growing community to test new designs and measure results.

Tone & Style

Our audience was mainly teenagers and young adults. We were competing in a very dynamic landscape with emerging new players like Secret and Snapchat. So we designed our user experience around fun, playfulness, and humor.


Word of mouth

As a young startup, we couldn't spend any money on marketing. We used the social platforms to spread the word organically and got coverage by all major media websites in Israel.



We needed to stand out from the clutter with a rememberable name and a bold and distinguished branding. The idea of Picok was accepted unanimously. It resonates with the extravagant nature of our audience.


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